Sunday, February 9, 2014

Thursday, October 24, 2013

In 1977 a company called West Coast Games published a small run of a solitaire adventure board game based on “The Hobbit” called “There and Back Again,” designed by John Williams. It is rare, ugly and unlicensed.  I really like it.

(These two images are from

Even though the map isn’t used much in the game - I redrew it.
Trying to capture an early 80’s Avalon Hill - Dragon Pass- sort of feel - and just doodling.

- Nate Dray

For more info on this game check out the Board Game Geek entry:

For more on on Tolkien board games see these sites:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This is the latest comic. 

This issue centers around paleobiologist Sherman Marsh's attempts to recover a missing time probe in the swamps of the Carboniferous epoch. Also includes several short bits: a Winston Churchill cartoon, Sir Camel-Trot and the Pugilistic Princess, and gonzo anthropologist William. S. Carlson returns.

"Into the Weird Wood"
- ink & watercolor by Nate Dray

Wednesday, September 11, 2013