Friday, May 12, 2023

 "Aliena Rerum"

 What do Alien Abductions and Conquistadors Have in Common? 


No, not (just) the ancient aliens guy with the hair from History Channel...

Cover of Strategy & Tactics magazine number 58 containing SPI game "Conquistador" with author Whitley Strieber credited in the acknowledgments for the game.




  While reading the rules to the old SPI game 'Conquistador,' from S&T magazine no.58 Sept/Oct 1976, and looking at the credits, was surprised to see Whitley Strieber's name under acknowledgements.

                                                                          What? How? Why?

All I can gather from google is that Strieber was working in advertising in NYC during SPI days. Must be a study in nerdiness here we're missing out on. Who knew whom, I wonder. 




* - In case the name doesn't immediately ring a bell, Strieber wrote, among others, the book "Communion" about his experiences with alien abduction at the hands of the now-famous big-eyed gray aliens. This book along with X-files, media coverage of the Roswell incident and JFK conspiracy theories all made for an exciting period for nerdery in the 1990s.

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